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Performance Video Links

There's no better way to get a feel for a traditional performance other than seeing it for yourself.  And while seeing live is certainly the way it's intended to be experienced, video is our second best option.  The following videos are curated links to show you the very best that traditional Chinese shadow puppetry has to offer in an accessible format.  Enjoy!


Bazhong County, Sichuan Province

A rare sunlit show is captured and shortened into a 3 minute compilation of the performance.  A great, short way to get a backstage view of a traditional shadow puppet performance. 

Link here:

Luanxian County, Hebei Province


This clip is short, but revealing.  Luanxian style shadow puppetry is one of the rare branches who work from a written script.  Here you can see a backstage view of the singer just behind the puppeteer.  Notice the way he distorts his voice for a character affectation.  

Link here:

Performance How-to: Master Liu, Beijing China

In this short video lesson of manipulation techniques, performance Master Liu shows us a short sequence of movements necessary for any beginning student. He makes it look easy, but I assure you it is not! 

Link here:

Huaxian County, Shaanxi Province

In this short video, the camera focuses on the classic Shaanxi shadow puppet as it moves across the screen. The puppet is the smallest of all regional styles, but also the most exquisitely cut; movements are delicate and economical. 

Link here: ​

Performance How-to: Master Liu, Beijing China

In this short video lesson of manipulation techniques, performance Master Liu shows us a short sequence of movements necessary for any beginning student. He makes it look easy, but I assure you it is not! 

Link here:

Performance How-to, Hands:
Master Liu, Beijing China

In this short clip, we look up-close at Master Liu's hands as they move the Chinese shadow puppet control rods. 

Link here: ​

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